Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gracie's Gear + Weekly randomness!!


Another busy week gone by..didn't get in my workouts like I should have. The weather was gorgeous though so I did take advantage of it and go on 2 runs! I went on another "naked" run on Monday! Well, I did have my music in one ear but no watch or no app tracking my speed/time. It felt great to just get out there and run and I did a great job (if I must say so myself :p) and I felt really strong and that's what it is all about! 

such a pretty day!

The Jeff Galloway training program for the marathon begins in July and it starts with 3 miles. I already have a solid 3 miles so I am concentrating on improving on that before really having to buckle down on my training schedule in July, I am excited though!

In other news, earlier this week I was contacted by a sweet lady named Gracie! She started a company in 2006 called Gracie's Gear; they make these awesome sports bras and tanks!

 They aren't just any normal sports bras and tanks, these have nifty 3 compartment pockets on the front of the for storing cell phones, credit cards, a key, etc. They also have iPod cord management, which is awesome because I am all of the time fighting with my iPod cords! 

To make a long story short, Gracie had a fight with cervical cancer in 2008 that lead to her having to shut the company down. She is on Kickstarter trying to kickstart her company again and needs backers to make a pledge so she can open her "doors" again! 

I really like this product though because I am all of the time putting my phone in my bra and wondering where to put my key at. I think this is so nifty and such a neat idea. They are also made for women by women and as of 2013 will be made in the USA! 

Let's spread the word and help Gracie's store open back up!

Check out her website:


I promise I will be back several times a week after my wedding! : )

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Run with the big dogs!


It's been a busy week! This time of year is always really busy; you have the end of the school year mixed with final wedding planning which equals a crazy time for me! 

This weekend was the Run with the Big Dogs 5k my step-dad puts on every year, well for the past 2 years. It's at a local high school and it is a route me and my mom run all of the time. I love it, it's such a nice run. It was also a PM 5k, which I was excited about! I am used to getting up at the buttcrack of dawn to run races so I was glad for an evening one for a change, I think more races should take note if this. 

Also, I talked Markus into running this one with me! We didn't train at all like we should have this week so I was quite worried as to how this was going to go over. By the time we got there my attitude was more of a "I'm just going to have fun and do my best because I love this route" kind of attitude. 

Me and Markus before the race (and his goofy shirt : p)

To make a long story short I felt great the whole time despite the muggy, humid GA weather. It was cloudy and overcast and had a little breeze every now and then, it was overall just so nice feeling outside. There were a ton of people I knew there and the atmosphere was great. I really had a fun time and came in at 42:23, and after the week of eating like I did and not properly training, I'll take it! 

Markus did great! He came in at 39:xx!! He really did such a good job. He also got 2nd in his age group; we will keep it a secret that there were only 2 in his age group. : D I am glad we could do that together, it really meant a lot to me. I really just had a lot of fun! I was shooting for 39 min but that's ok! I left feeling great and proud of Markus! I am already looking for another one to sign us up for. 

Us after the race!

 I am proud because this was the FIRST time I have ever run without my music, without my phone, without my watch or anything. I made the last minute decision to throw all of my stuff back in the car and just run, and I'm so glad I did! I actually may run more often without music. I really loved looking around and thinking and I spent a lot of time talking to God. It was overall very nice not to have the clock ticking and me stressing over that. I think everyone needs to run without all of their gear every once in a while. 

All in all my time was not what I wanted it to be but I am proud of myself because even though I am slow, I am now able to run 98% of a 5k. I only walked about twice and each time it was through a water stop. I may be slow but I am able to run the distance and I will take that, speed will come as I get more experience. I am going to be adding on some distance soon. I know I said I was going to do that a while back but things happen; I am still making progress though and getting stronger each time!

Happy running! The weather is supposed to be great here this week so I can't wait!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Let's talk about "slow" runners!

Let's talk about being a "slow runner"!

After an inproptu 5k Saturday, in the pouring rain I might add, I came to the conclusion that it really is tough being a "slow" runner. It can be very discouraging to run as slow as some people are walking. It can be very discouraging to be running in the back with the walking croud. You wonder if you should even call yourself a "runner".

Those were some of the thoughts I had Saturday after the 5k, coming in at 45 minutes and who cares seconds. Granted it was pouring down rain the whole time and the 1st mile and a half was uphill, I for some reason just felt really "slow". Mostly because I could see people in  front of me walking casually and strolling about. It can make you feel very defeated very fast. Here I am struggling and working hard to run and here they are walking along.

But instead of feeling bad for myself I held my head up and finished. I only walked a couple of times for no longer than a minute each time. I am just really slow. But I get out there and I do it, I get out there and try and because of that I will get better.

I have earned the right to call myself a runner. You also have, no matter how slow or fast you may be. Running is such a personal journey, that's one reason why I love it. It's me, myself, and I. It's about me doing my best and making goals for myself and learning what I can do now and can't do yet but will be able to do. As I was watching the 20 minute 5k'ers pass me, I was thinking about how they have so earned that. They put in the time, effort, blood, sweat and tears just as I am going to do. One of my favorite songs came on at the end of the 5k Saturday, it's called "Your love never fails" and I love it. As I was coming in I couldn't help but smile and be thankful I had two legs able to carry me, slow or fast. 

Don't be discouraged because you think you may be too slow. Keep on keeping on and you will make progress. Hold your head up and be thankful you can run. It takes time and major effort to make progress. It is not guaranteed overnight, but I promise you you can do it!! Most of all have fun! It's a journey, one I will one day look back on and smile. I may be slow now but I'm not ruling out ever running in Boston. I'm not ruling out ever running 7 minute miles. I dream big and no one can stop me. : )
