Cantrell Center 5k Recap
Oh, let's see, do I really want to do a recap? No.
But I did say I would write about the good times and the bad. So, here goes.
Despite my pain the last few runs I have done, I was feeling excited about this 5k. It started raining Friday morning and continued all day long, and was expected to rain all day Saturday, which it did. Me and Markus drove to the race Saturday morning and it was just sprinkling the whole way, so I was feeling optimistic. My mom and stepdad were also on the way which was exciting, it is always a good time when my family is involved.
We pick up our packets, and the rains begins to get harder. We go wait in the car, and it begins to rain harder. At this point we get out and go meet my mom and stepdad under a tent, and it starts to really pour down. I had on a shirt, my Reebok pullover, my North Face rain jacket and me and mom got the bright idea to put trashbags over us. Our top halves stayed dry but I got insanely hot during the run, as I had way too many layers on.
So me and mom, all bundled up in trash bags and jackets, made our way to the start line where we waited in the rain for a few minutes and then we were off.
Me and mom in our trash bag attire : )
Mom lost me before we even got to mile 1, which I knew would happen. She is a good bit faster than me. I started out feeling pretty decent despite the pouring rain and freezing weather. I had my music in and made it to mile 1 in 14'13, which for me is great.
I guess this is where things began to go down hill. My shoes were sopping wet, my hands were cold, and the pain in my legs decided to join me. I kept trucking through for a little while after mile 1, doing a slow run with some walking involved. I am not sure why but I was getting more and more irritated by the minute.
During mile 2 I stayed pretty much at this super slow run with more walking involved then running.
I was slowly drifting in with the speed walkers, and it was really irritating me that my running was as slow, or fast, as their walking was. With that being said I sulked about 75% of mile 2, only running down hills and in small spurts. I didn't have my Garmin and I quit taking my headphones out to listen to the guys every so often that were calling our times out.
The last mile.2 was the same thing pretty much as mile 2, so I won't bore you with the details. Although I must have been walking like I was hurting because a random nice guy asked me if I was ok, or maybe it was the irritated look on my face?
Finally, I round a corner and a guy is yelling out that there is only half a mile left, I know mom and everyone is waiting on me so I begin running pretty fast for my short little legs. I run the whole .5 back and make it back in 50 sad little minutes.
Photo of me coming in, courtesy of Markus. Not sure why that guy is going the opposite way??
Overall I was pretty irritated with this 5k. I was irritated with the weather, irritated that I hurt so dog gone bad, and irritated because I know that I could have pushed and done a lot better. I didn't check my official time, and I am really not too worried about it. My morning was made better by a trip to I-Hop with Markus and the fam!
I then came home and signed up for the Cherry Blossom 5k on March 23, 1 month away. And you better believe I am going to be booking it across that finish line, no more sad little 50 minute 5ks for me.
My new shoes should be in next week and I may explore options with compression socks to help. I am also going to begin stretching every night. I'm going to keep keeping on.
So until next time,
hey, You did it, you didn't quit and that is awesome!